Beginner's Guide to Driving Your Car on a Race Track

Beginner's Guide to Driving Your Car on a Race Track

1. Preparation Before the Track Day

a. Ensure Your Car is Track-Ready:

  • Tires: Check tire pressure and tread depth.
  • Brakes: Ensure your brake pads and rotors are in good condition.
  • Fluids: Top off all fluids (oil, coolant, brake fluid, etc.).
  • Battery: Make sure your battery is secure.
  • Inspection: Get a professional inspection if possible.

*see our Tech Inspection guide as reference.

b. Gather Essential Gear:

  • Helmet: A Snell-rated helmet is often required.
  • Clothing: Wear comfortable, non-flammable clothing. Long sleeves and pants are recommended.
  • Tools and Supplies: Basic tools, tire pressure gauge, extra oil, and cleaning supplies.

2. Understanding Track Rules and Etiquette

a. Learn the Flags:

  • Green Flag: Track is clear.
  • Yellow Flag: Caution, slow down, no passing.
  • Red Flag: Stop safely on the side of the track.
  • Black Flag: Exit the Track safely at the next available opportunity and Return to the Start/Finish talk to the flagger usually it is due to a problem with your driving.
  • Black with Orange dot Flag: Exit the Track safely at the next available opportunity and Return to the Start/Finish talk to the flagger usually it is due to a problem with your car.
  • Blue Flag: Faster car approaching, let them pass.
  • Checkered Flag: Session is over, complete your lap and return to the pits.

b. Follow the Rules:

  • Always listen to the instructors and marshals.
  • No aggressive driving or racing others.
  • Use mirrors and be aware of faster cars.
  • Always good to refer to the FAQs 

3. On-Track Driving Tips

a. Start Slow:

  • Begin with a few warm-up laps to get a feel for the track.
  • Gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable.

b. Focus on Smoothness:

  • Smooth steering, braking, and accelerating are key to maintaining control.
  • Practice hitting the apex of each corner (the innermost point of the turn).

c. Brake Properly:

  • Brake in a straight line before entering a corner.
  • Gradually release the brake as you turn in (trail braking).

d. Look Ahead:

  • Keep your eyes up and look ahead to where you want to go.
  • Focus on the track, not on obstacles or other cars.

e. Learn the Racing Line:

  • The racing line is the optimal path around the track.
  • Aim to hit the apex of each turn and use the full width of the track.

You are welcome to ask our Instructor about any on track concerns or questions you may have.

4. After the Session

a. Cool Down:

  • Drive a few cool-down laps at a slower pace to let your car cool.
  • Avoid using the parking brake immediately after stopping.

b. Check Your Car:

  • Inspect your tires and brakes for wear.
  • Check fluid levels and top off if necessary.

c. Review and Improve:

  • Come to your Class-Room sessions to review with our instructors

5. Safety First

a. Stay Hydrated:

  • Bring plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

b. Listen to Your Body:

  • Take breaks when needed and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

c. Respect the Limits:

  • Know your car's limits and your own. Don't overdrive.

By following this guide, you'll be well-prepared to enjoy your first track day safely and effectively. Remember, the key is to have fun and continuously improve your skills!

Our instructors will be there for you throughout the day to guide you on-track and Off-Track to ensure your first track day is smooth and fun!